For Andriod to Android Mobile Switches - MobileSwitch works in TWO Simple Steps.
Install MobileSwitch in your OLD Device & Upload your Contacts & Calendar Events from OLD Device to your Google Drive.
Install MobileSwitch in your NEW Device & Restore your Contacts & Calendar Events to NEW device from your Google Drive.
For iOS to Android Mobile Switches - MobileSwitch works in TWO Simple Steps.
Sign in to iCloud User Id/Password & Make a Backup of your data in iCloud from your OLD Device.
Login with your iCloud User Id/Password in your New Device vie MobileSwitch & Choose Content to Restore from iCloud to your
NEW Device.
For Android to iOS Mobile Switches - MobileSwitch works in TWO Simple Steps.
Install MobileSwitch in your OLD Device & Upload your Contacts & Calendar Events from OLD Device to iCloud.
Login with your iCloud User Id/Password in your NEW Device vie MobileSwitch & Choose Content to Upload from your OLD device to iCloud.